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World War II Wiki
World War II Wiki
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Eva Braun was the girlfriend, and ultimately wife, of Adolf Hitler.


Born in Munich in 1912, Braun was secretary to Hitler's staff photographer, becoming Hitler's lover in the 1930s. Shortly before they both committed suicide, during the fall of Berlin in 1945, the pair are believed to have married, in the air raid shelter of the Chancellery,[1] in a ceremony conducted by Walter Wagner, deputy surveyor of the rubbish collection in the Pankow district of Berlin. The day after the ceremony, Eva committed suicide by swollowing a cyanide capsule.[2]


  1. McGovern, Una - Editor. Chambers Biographical Directory 7th Edition. Chambers Harrap publishers Ltd. 2002. ISBN 0550 10051 2 Page 212
  2. Roberts, Andrew. The Storm of War - A new history of the Second World War. Penguin Books. ISBN 978 0 141 02928 3. (2010). Page 559