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World War II Wiki
World War II Wiki

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The Mosin Nagant Model 1891 (referred to only as Mosin rifle in Russia, or colloqually "threeliner" and "mosinka") is a bolt-action rifle that was used by the Soviet Union during World War II.


It had a five-round integral magazine and it had a weight of about 4.2 kg. The rate of fire was 10-12 rounds per minute. The overall length of the rifle was about 120 cm to 130 cm. The Mosin Nagant took the 7.62x54mmR Cartridge (known as "three lines" in the Russian Imperial Military) and one of the features of the rifle was that it could have a sling attached.[2] The Mosin Nagant 1891 was the first model of the series and it was adopted by the Russian military in 1891 as the name suggests.


The Mosin Nagant 1891 was partially created by Sergei Ivanovich Mosin while it was also partially created by Leon Nagant because both of the designs were made into one single rifle so they could strengthen each other's weaknesses. Mosin Nagants were used throughout WWI and World War II plus the fact that they were even produced up to 1949. Mosin Nagants were produced on a massive scale to meet Soviet demand during World War II and even captured Mosins were used by Finnish forces.


The next version of the 1891 was the Dragoon rifle which was used by cavalry and as such, it was lighter and shorter than the original rifle. It also could be fitted with a bayonet and the size and shape were similar to the later M1891/30. The Cossack Rifle was very similar to the Dragoon rifle only it was meant for use without a bayonet. After the Cossack came the M1907 Carbine or the misleading M1910 Carbine.[3] It was 101 cm and it with his Mosin Nagant 1891/30 weighed 3.4 kg (7.6 lb).

The misleading title 1910 came from modifications made in 1910, but officially, this was never a real designation. The Mosin Nagant 1891/30 was fundamentally a minorly modified M1907 Carbine only the M1891/30 had new iron sights and a new bayonet fixture. The weight of the M1891/30 was about 3.9 kg and the length was around 123 cm. This was one of the most common versions of the 1891 used in World War II. It even could have a scope mounted and was commonly used for sniping.

Famous snipers like Vasily Zaitsev used Mosin Nagant 1891/30s in battles like Stalingrad throughout the USSR. After the M1891/30's arrival came the M1938 Carbine which was about 102 cm and 3.2 kg. The M1891/38 Carbine did not have any bayonet fixtures and it was replaced when the M1891/44 Carbine came into service. The M1891/44 Carbine was about as big as the M1891/38 Carbine and it was able to have a bayonet fixed.


  1. Lüdeke, Alexander. Weapons of World War II. Parragon Publishing (2007), Page 29