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World War II Wiki
World War II Wiki

RAF Insignia

"This is command; do not engage, I repeat do not engage"

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The Ram Medium Tank was a series of medium tanks designed and developed by Canada in World War II.


The Ram Medium Tank was a Medium Tank Developed by Canada in World War II. It was based on the chassis of the American M3 Lee, except it mounted a main gun in a turret (instead of the side of the hull like on its American counter-part


The Ram Mk. II was the focus model of the Ram tanks, but there was a few variants. [2]

  • M3 Medium Tank: Original Tank. Made in the United States of America.
  • Ram Mk. I: First model of the Ram Medium Tanks. Mounted the Ordnance QF 2-pounder as its main gun.
  • Ram Mk. II: Focus model of the Ram Medium Tanks. Mounted the Ordnance QF 6-pounder as its main gun.
  • Ram Kangaroo: also known as the Kangaroo APC. Armored personnel carrier variant
  • Ram Command/OP:
  • Ram Badger: Flamethrower variant
  • Ram Wallaby: Ammunition carrier. Based on the Ram Kangaroo. Was used to carry the ammunition of the Sexton SPG
  • Ram ARV:Armored Recovery Vehicle
  • Ram Gun Tower:
  • Sexton SPG:





