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World War II Wiki
World War II Wiki
Type 100 flamethrower

A Type 100 Flamethrower

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The Type 93 flamethrower was a flamethrower that were used by the Imperial Japanese Army.


It could fire up to 22 meters away and it could carry up to 11.3 liters of fuel.  The Type 93 was first issued in 1933 and was inspired by the German's use of flamethrowers during WWI.[1]

It had only 3 basic components. They had the fuel hose, the fuel container, and the flame gun. The fuel container consisted of 3 parts itself: 2 cylinders, which were 38 cm long and were on the left and right sides of the unit.

The last part of the flametheower was a central cylander which was just a little bit smaller than the other two and was fitted in the middle of the device. This central tank contained pressurized nitrogen gas which was used to propel the flammable fuel. The total weight of the unit was around 24.9 kgand it could continue to fire for up to 12 seconds.


The only variant of the system was the Type 100 model which was fundamentally identical to the original Type 93.  The only difference which was a modification in the flame gun.[2]

Type 100 Flamethrower

Japanese soldiers using a type 100 flamethrower


The Type 93 Flamethrower was first developed in the early 1930s and entered service in 1933 and the Type 100 entered service in 1940. Both types of flamethrower's use was limited. The Imperial Japanese Army did use them during the war and they were actually used as an anti-tank weapon. However the main use of this flamethrower was to clear out pillboxes and other fortifications.

