World War II Wiki


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World War II Wiki
World War II Wiki

Announcement Banner

In the years I've been here on the wiki, I could never have imagined what kind of growth and development would lead up to this point. I've seen users of all kinds come and go, but one point has and will always stay the same. We are a collaborative project, thus all of our content comes from our hard-working editors who dedicate their time to the common goal of providing free and accessible knowledge about World War II to all.

That is why it is imperative that you, the reader, understand that the future of the wiki truly depends you. While the hosting for the wiki is free, the content is as well. Our editors are not paid, nor forced to do anything. We contribute our time and our knowledge purely for the learning of others.

Recently, there has been somewhat of a decline in the overall editing on the wiki and I wanted to reaffirm the fact that we need your contributions. Even just creating an account and asking questions on the forums, adding pictures, or commenting on article talk pages and saying how to improve them will help us. All we ask is at least one edit, big or small, from every reader, every day you visit the wiki.

On a final note, we are heavily dependent on the promotion we get from other websites and social media, so please, if you know any community or any person interested in the subject at all, send them a link.

Thank you all for reading and helping to make the wiki great.
